Personal Security

Personal Security -- At Home,At work, On the Street, While Traveling

The following list of personal security tips may help secure you in your daily life.

These tips are just the ‘tip’ of the iceberg…

Always be alert and aware of your surroundings and of the people around you.

This is called situational awareness.( Situational Awareness is being aware of your surroundings – knowing what’s going on around you – and identifying potential threats, criminal behavior, and dangerous situations.)

Recognize That Threats Exist

At the very core is accepting and recognizing that threats really do exist – and they may exist within your proximity during your day-to-day travels. Unfortunately many are afflicted with normalcy bias and have little consideration for their own security while living in their cocoon of perceived safety. What they don’t know is that it (their perception of security) is a very thin veneer. A false sense of security can be deadly…

Take Responsibility For Your Own Security

Government, the police, are not everywhere  and YOU are the first line of responsibility. Remember this, “When seconds count, the police are just minutes away”. You need to look out for yourself, and not succumb to a mindset that someone else will be there to protect you.

Trust Your Gut Or Intuition

You know that ‘voice’ of intuition in the back of your head? You probably should not ignore it. Apparently many victims who experienced feelings of danger prior to an incident – chose to ignore them (and therefore became victims). Your semi-subconscious mind, coupled with your senses, have a way of alerting you to potential danger – if only you ‘listen’ to it.

Conscious Effort To Practice Situational Awareness

The final step is to actually do it. Discipline yourself to consciously practice situational awareness. Pay attention to what’s happening around you, your gut feelings, and to stay ‘in the yellow’ (relaxed alert). Practice being alert  of your surroundings , even while you’re distracted or busy. ( Many times even hostile activity can go unnoticed).

The more people around, the more danger (and risks) thereof. It’s just the odds… plus more opportunities for criminals.

"It can't happen to me" and "if it's going to happen, it's going to happen" is dangerous thinking.

A criminal attack against you or your family can take place at any post, as can a fire or other disaster. However, you can influence what happens to you by assuming more responsibility for your own security.

The information presented here is general. If you are interest with your safety we can provide detailed short training seminar. Wishing you a safe days.