Friday news 01.11.19



A particularly spooky week for all of the groups as Halloween was in full swing! All of the groups played Halloween themed games that included “Mummy Wrap”, “Monster Hunt”, “Fix the Skeleton”, “Broomstick Race”, and “Eye and Spoon Race”. The children also learnt some themed vocabulary that highlighted their favourite spooky characters and used some great English adjectives (e.g. Scary, Spooky, Ugly, Big, Small, Thin, Fat, etc.) to describe their favourite Halloween characters.


For Arts and Crafts, the groups also participated in a number of activities. 3D pumpkins, paper bats, and toilet paper mummies were amongst the most popular. It was however the slime making activity that the children really enjoyed. Mixing corn starch with water (and a little coloured paint) let the kids get messy whilst also exploring different textures and learning that arts and crafts can be made from almost any household item!


A big thank you to everyone who participated in our Halloween celebrations! The children looked fantastic, and we hope they had a great time having fun with us!